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Auto Tuned Out

Mar 4, 2009 Leave a Comment


Why are we still on the Auto-Tune boat people? I love the "holy grail of recording" as much as the next producer, but come on seriously...when are we going to stop?

For those that don't know Auto-Tunes is a plug that is used to correct intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments. In simple terms it is a pitch correction tool. I won't say that I don't use it because I would be lying. I have used it on about 98% of my produced tracks since about 2004 so I am not saying to producers, "Don't use Auto-Tune anymore." Using Auto-Tune or Melodyne (I personally like Melodyne better) to aid vocals that are off key at points of the song is fine. To use these programs to correct your whole song or to use the "Cher/T-Pain" effect throughout the whole song because you can't sing is done...it's a wrap. This little tool has become a mask that hip-hop is now wearing to identify itself. That same mask is limiting it's creativity and giving our music category a "same-sound" complex.

So for all the artist out there. Don't ask for studio time and then you can't hit a note without the help of Auto-Tune. Really. You gotta bring something to the table. I know that because it is so well known people will ask for it thinking that it will make the vocals work. No, you gotta make the vocals work! You have to have some skills to begin with.

For the producers out there. I know it's hard to resist using Auto-Tunes. It like Photoshop for music right? Again, I am not saying don't use it, but we as producers are not helping those that have no music ability whatsoever and just say " oh yeah I know I'm flat. Just Auto-Tune me." When they say that Auto-Tune them out!


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